Configuring an i-PRO Gateway

2021-06-29Last updated

Before you can enroll an i-PRO ICV MK3 in-car system in your Clearance account, you must configure an i-PRO Gateway.

What you should know

The i-PRO Gateway must be authenticated with Clearance before you can use it with an i-PRO ICV MK3 in-car system.


  1. From the Devices page in Clearance, click Configurations > Devices .
  2. Click Create new device.
  3. Enter a name for the camera, and specify the manufacturer and model.
    The General section of the device page in Clearance, showing device information.
  4. Click Save.
    The i-PRO Gateway is created.
    A device in Clearance with the device info, assignments, and credentials displayed.
  5. From a file explorer window, open the UEMSLegacyService.xml file.
  6. From the Devices page in Clearance, copy your credentials and paste them in the corresponding elements in the UEMSLegacyService.xml file.
    The UEMSLegacyService.xml file with the corresponding credentials in the device page in Clearance shown.
  7. From the Devices page in Clearance, copy the Serial number and paste it inside the <GUID></GUID> element in the UEMSLegacyService.xml file.
    The UEMSLegacyService.xml file with the device page in Clearance showing the serial number that must be copied to the UEMSLegacyService.xml file.
  8. From the UEMSLegacyService.xml file, change the <HttpTimeout> value to 5000.
    The HTTP timeout code line with '5000' added.
    The UEMSLegacyService.xml file showing where the number 5000 must be added.
  9. Save and close the UEMSLegacyService.xml file.
  10. Open the UEMSLegacyServiceConfiguration.exe file.
  11. From the Devices page in Clearance, copy the Username and Password and paste them in the User ID and Password fields in the Configuration for UEMSLegacyService window.
    The i-PRO configuration tool showing the corresponding username and password in the Credentials section of the device page in Clearance.
  12. Click Write to Configuration File.
  13. Open the UEMSLegacyService.xml file. The User ID and Password are present in the file.
  14. Ensure the SSLUnused.dat file is removed from UEMSLegacyService.
    Note: If you need to remove the SSLUnused.dat file, you might need to restart the UEMSLegacyService.