About Clearance Uploader
2021-06-10Last updated
Genetec Clearance™ Uploader is an application used to automatically upload media from body-worn cameras, sync folders, or other devices to Clearance, or a Security Center video archive, depending on which .json config file is used.
The Clearance Uploader application includes the
following components:
- Clearance Uploader agent: The Clearance Uploader agent (Genetec.SaaS.Dems.Uploader.Agent.exe) is the user interface component of the application that is used to check the status of media uploads.
- Clearance Uploader integration: The Clearance Uploader integration
(Genetec.SaaS.Dems.Uploader.Integration.exe) is the Windows
integration component of the application that performs media uploads automatically in the
background. To link the Clearance Uploader with your Clearance account, you must create an integration.Tip: Scheduled uploads can help you avoid using bandwidth during office hours by deferring uploads to a more convenient time. Scheduled uploads are also useful if you are using a multi-dock or are uploading media from multiple devices, which might consume excessive bandwidth.
The Clearance Uploader supports a maximum of 26 concurrent cameras per workstation or server when using a multi-dock.
Use the Clearance Uploader to view and manage media uploads.
The Genetec Clearance™ Uploader application menu includes the following controls:
Menu items | Description |
Status | Displays the current status of the Clearance Uploader application. For example, Not configured, Ready and so on. |
Menu | Expands the sidebar menu items. |
Monitor |
All files displays the status of files being downloaded to
the client workstation.
Select Files opens a dialog to add files to an existing
case, create a case and upload, or skip case selection and upload
evidence. Note: The uploader must have Manage permissions for a case to
upload files to cases. Connected device displays the status of connected devices.
Sync folder displays the status of files being uploaded to
Clearance. Note: The Sync folder tile is only available when
the Sync folder option has been enabled in
Settings. |
Event logs | Displays event log information and error messages. |
Settings | Specifies account setup information, upload schedule, application log settings,
and bandwidth settings. Note: You must have Windows Administrator access to view or
change these settings. |
About | Displays Clearance Uploader application version information. |