2023-09-11Last updated
To share digital evidence with other authorized investigators, you can upload videos,
media, and other file types to new and existing cases. You can then view, download, or edit
the files.
What you should know You can add up to 5000 files to a case, regardless of the folder or subfolder
location. Cases can have unlimited folders or subfolders. Video files are converted
to MP4 files during upload. If the file format is not supported the upload might
fail. Depending on the size of your file, the upload might take a few
Open an existing case or create a case .
In the Files section, click and select one of the following:
Add files from computer
Add files from Clearance
Create folder
Note: The Add files from Clearance option is not
available for guest users.
If you selected Add files from computer , do the
Select the files you need using one of the following methods:
Select files that are saved on your local or network drive.
Drag files into the Files field of the case.
After selecting the files you need, click
Open .
(Optional) To remove files that you no longer require, click
More ( ) and click
Remove .
The file is removed from the case, but remains in the system and
can still be searched, edited, viewed, and downloaded.
If you selected Add files from Clearance , do the following:
In the Add files to case dialog box, select the
required files by clicking Add to case .
(Optional) To filter results and identify files to add to a case, click
the Search criteria menu and then click
Add to case .
(Optional) To remove files that you no longer need, click
Remove from case .
Click Done .
If you selected Create folder , do the following:
Enter a folder name and click Create .
(Optional) Create any additional folders or subfolders that you
(Optional) Click More ( ) next to a file or folder to
move, rename, or remove them as required.
Note: Click Subscribe to receive updates when new files
are added to the case.
The files are now associated with the case, and users assigned to the case can view,
edit, and download the file.
Watch this video to learn more. Click the
Captions icon (CC ) to turn on video
captions in one of the available languages.